Cliffs of Moher

15th of May 2023

Our destination today was the Cliffs of Moher, these cliffs are on the “to do list” when visiting Ireland. Now let me explain how a visit to the cliffs works. First you should go online and buy a carpark admission with the day and time you want your visit to be. This is so the crowds are spaced out. We did try that, but the app would not verify our visa card payment and it wanted a SMS code, from our Australian phone number. We are in Ireland using a travel sim and our Australian phone number does not work here. We drove to the carpark anyway and apparently plenty of other people have the same issue and they have not fixed the app.
I should point out that the cliffs are free to have a look at, but the clever Irish people have made it so that there are no parking places for miles either way. The paid parking place is the only way to get near them and they do not charge by the car but by the person. If I was smart, I should have dropped Jenny off on the road and parked up. Anyway, we paid our 10 euros each and went to gaze at the majestic cliffs.

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Had a photo to prove that we were there.
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Lots of walking to get to the best viewing spots
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A visitor centre explaining the cliffs !!
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Our Drone takes a flight

We took photos, walked the paths to get different views, had a selfie, looked through the visitor centre, had a coffee in the café. Very much the touristy day. But what we did do that most of the other tourist didn’t was to bring our drone and get some aerial views of the cliffs. See our video below.


With the Cliffs ticked off our list we drove to the town of Galway and parked in a large parking area close to the shopping district and a short walk to the town centre. Not glamourous but practical. The afternoon was spent relaxing in the van and catching up on some computer work as we planned to visit a local bar.
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Street mural as we were walking to the pub.

Three Irish, Four Americans and Two Australians walk into a bar ??

After tea we walked towards the centre of town to where we came across a street with a few local bars. Music was being played in one and the place looked busy, luckily there was still room for us. We sat next to three young Irish lads and struck up a conversation, they were in town studying for their electrical trades course. Later we were joined by four Americans and the night was spent drinking, joking, talking, listening to the music and even dancing. After more Guinness than I can remember we ambled back to the camper for a solid nights sleep.
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Lost count of how many we had, can remember they were 5 euros each, Bargain.
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In the morning we walked past the pub to see what it looked like and what it was called.

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Gloria Franceschini

    You must be very confident to use the drone around the cliffs.
    Wonderful footage of the area. What a distance you had to walk!
    Thank you for that and the amazing fortresses.

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