The Long and Winding Road in Ireland

100 Kilometers in 3 hours !!

12th of May 2023

It would be just over 100kms from our beach side park to the Mizen Bridge, leaving at 9.00 we arrived at the bridge carpark at 12.00. We did stop a few times, but our slow pace was mainly because of the windy narrow roads. Many times, we had to stop and drive to the very edge of the road as oncoming vehicles crept past us missing our van by inches. Once a tractor drove past us near Cork and didn’t miss, hitting our side mirror. Makes for interesting driving but also very slow going. As well as being narrow they are not the smoothest roads, shaking both the van and us. We did stop at times to take photos and admire the scenery.

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Finally after 3 hours we reached the carpark of the Mizen Bridge.

Mizen Bridge and Signal Station

After our entry fee paid, we walked the paths to the Mizen Bridge and the Signal Station.
Mizen head is Irelands most south-westerly point on the mainland and the signal station was set up to send and receive messages from the ships going past. A few months ago we saw a documentary about how this bridge was built and how it had to be rebuilt as it was salt damaged. In the signal station there is also information about Guglielmo Marconi the inventor of wireless radio signals who came to Mizen head to get his first radio message across the Atlantic,

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Our first glimpse of the bridge
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The signal station, looking a bit worse for ware
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Display of the signal masters kitchen

Door of the day

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Mizen bridge from above

More driving and stopping in Sneem

The afternoon was spend driving through the narrow winding roads with beautiful views of the rural countryside.. We had no next set destination only a driving route “The Ring of Kerry” supposedly a must do while in Ireland. Our parking spot for the night was a small carpark next to a barbeque area in the town of Sneem. [found the place thanks to Bluey’s trip map of Ireland].

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Roadside shop with displays, and homemade icecream.
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Display in one of the rooms
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The place was called Druids view, and this must be the Druid.

A night out in Sneem - Ireland

The day was far from over as at 7.00 pm we walked into town to find a place to eat. The pub did drinks but no food but the Blue Bull across the road did. Shepards pie for Jenny and leek sausages with mash for me, best sausages I have had for a while. Next it was across the road to the pub.
The weather was good and most people sat outside, at 9.00 the band started to play. The place was very lively and joining the locals were groups from America, Germany and of course 2 x Aussies. The band was good but the highlight of the night was a local bard telling stories and singing ditties, he had the whole crowd in stiches. As evening drew on, we stumbled our way back to the Bunyip.

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Getting quite fond of the Guinness
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Someone brought two lambs to the pub for the patrons to see and feed.
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Picture in the pub
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Video of some music by Toss de Penny at the Dan Murphy Bar in Sneem

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