Drive to Narrandera
After an excellent shower at The Rock recreation ground we headed cross country towards Narrandera. We stopped for breakfast at a very interesting roadside stop at Tootool. Once a thriving place with schools, churches, cricket and football teams, now if you blink driving through you could miss it. The roadside stop had a gazebo, barbeque, toilets, artwork and a garden area. Over the years a lot of work went into this place.
Outback Art
Further along on our drive we came to Milbrulong again a small place with only a few houses and a firehouse. But what caught our attention was the art work on the water tower and an old building that previously was the commission agent.
Lockhart the Veranda Town
The town of Lockhart was known as the Veranda town as at one time all the shops and businesses on the main street had verandas. As things developed over the years some of the buildings were pulled down and replaced by more modern buildings without the verandas.
More art.
As we approached Lockhart we saw a sculpture of a dragon made from scrap farm materials. It is called the Rain Dragon and won the 2019 national farm art awards.
As we walked through the town we found many other pieces of artwork. The place also had a good supermarket where we stocked up on supplies.
A very arty outback town and we enjoyed the visit but it was time to continue our drive up to Narrandera. Our destination today was a spot next to the Murrumbidge River called Rocky Water Holes. After our GPS sent us to the wrong side of the river we backtracked and finally arrived at our destination.
Two nights by the river
We stayed at this location for two nights and would have stayed longer if it wasn’t for the weather predicting heavy rain. We were the only campers and during the day we saw a few people launching boats from a boat ramp nearby. There was plenty of firewood and we cooked all our meals on the fire. As you can see by the photos it was a stunning spot to spend a few days. With the warm weather we even had a swim to cool down and freshen up.
Birds and Frogs
During the day it was really quiet but at night it really got noisy, not from people but because of the birds and the frogs. Not that we minded as it was great to see the place alive. We were entertained one afternoon by a small kingfisher and later I spotted a frog on a log near the water expecting it to be enormous with the loud noise it made, but no it was small. One night a group of kangaroos also came down to the river.
Flushing toilet
A short walk from our campsite there was a new toilet, we expected it to be a long drop but to our surprise it was an actual flushing toilet, luxury for a bush camping site.
Some lovely photos, especially the magpie. My uncle was the Station Master at The Rock back in the 60’s. Can remember the Southern Aurora coming through in the early hours causing the station master’s cottage to shudder. Safe Travels