Kissing the Stone – Blarney Castle

Blarney Castle

11th of May 2023

Kissing the stone
We awoke early and set off to the Blarney Castle only 15kms away, however we did not count on the Cork peak hour traffic or the road works with a bridge out and numerous one-way streets. Eventually we reached the castle, parked up, paid out 16 euros [seniors’ rate]and armed with the site map went in to explore the castle and large gardens which surrounded it.
As it was quiet, we thought to see the castle first so the lines would be shorter, a wise move as by the end of our stay the lines had past a 1 hour wait marker. Up the narrow winding stairs to the top we queued up to kiss the Blarney Stone a fabled ritual that is supposed to give you the gift of the gab. Jenny declined and I though I might as do it while I am here. You must lie on your back and holding a couple of metal bars contort yourself down to kiss the bottom of the stone, not easy but better than the original way they did it, see photo. After it was down the windy staircase and we went to explore the castle gardens.

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Kissing the Blarney Stone - not very elegant or comfortable

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Yes That's me kissing the Blarney stone.
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View of the Blarney stone from below
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Glad they have changed the way they do things.

The Blarney Castle Gardens

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There was a section of garden specifically for poison plants.
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The ferns in this part of the garden came from Australia.
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Door of the day

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The Blarney Manor House
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After a pleasant walk it was time for a coffee and to have with it we chose, scones with jam and cream, Jenny voted them the best scones ever. The old coach house was converted into a cafe and you could eat and drink in the old horse stable. the weather was sunny and we chose the outdoor area.

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Couple of elaberate Gypsy caravans
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Horse stables turned into dining rooms
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Glad we got there early as the line was now past the 1 hour point, to kiss the stone.

Charles II Fort

The day was still young and went drove south to the Charles II Fort. Very windy and cool we braved the elements and explored the fort. After paying a few euros entry fee, the guide told us where the exhibitions were located and the best way to walk around the fort.

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The town of Kinsale was a few kilometers down the road. With no free parking we paid our 3 euros and walked to the town. A local told us the the best pub in town was the Kitty O Se’ s Bar and Restaurant. It was definitely popular but we managed to get a table and we ordered a meal and drinks. this would be the first [of hopefully many] Guinness of the trip. Excellent food and atmosphere and I did enjoy the Guinness. After a stroll through the town it was time to find a spot for the night.

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Colourful buildings in the centre of Kinsale
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View of the harbour, Kinsale

Our Overnight spot for the night

We searched park4night and also had a look where Michael and Pam stayed (other Aussies doing the motorhome thing ) and decided to stay in a car park by the beach. this happened to turn out well as there was a tap with water and a toilet. Our busy day had come to an end.

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Looks very lonesome all by himself at the beach.

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Clunegapyears

    It’s always a shock at how expensive entry fees can be.
    Hope you took booze with you as the Irish tax is almost prohibitive.

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