Worcester – Friends, Cathedral and a 99

A long walk around the town of Worcester.

4th of June 2023

After a comfortable night in a regular bed we had an early start and as Clyde had a ladder we took advantage of it and removed the stickers on the rear of the Bunyip,  so now its no longer saying “We come from a land down under”, it is looking very naked indeed. Chores done we headed out for a long walk that would take us along the river Severn, into the town and a visit to the Worcester Cathedral, we stopped a couple of times for morning tea on the banks of the river, lunch in a cafe, then finished off with an ice-cream from a local vendor on the bank of the river, we tried a  99. Never heard of a 99 ? We found out it is a soft cone ice cream with a piece of the chocolate bar Flake inserted.  Below is the Google explanation of why it is called a Flake 99.

What does the 99 mean on a Flake?
In the days of the monarchy in Italy the King has a specially chosen guard consisting of 99 men, and subsequently anything really special or first class was known as “99” – and that his how “99” Flake came by its name.

Just to show you what they look like. Not ours, pinched the photo off the internet.
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Canal boat going through the lock, it was their first time.
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Worcester canal boat harbour
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Canal boat cafe.
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Edward Elgar was a famous composer who lived in Worcester.
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Swans on the River Severn.

Worcester Cathedral

The cathedral opening hours were from one till four in the afternoon and the entry was free. After lunch we visited it spending a couple of hours exploring the vast cathedral and the crypt. It has a long history and is now an Anglican Church, formally Catholic. A few famous people have tombs inside, King John, Prince Arthur and Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin. Having visited plenty of churches and cathedrals over the years we were impressed and rate it as one of the finest we have seen. At the end of our visit we were fortunate to hear the choir and organ practicing for the 5 o’clock service. 

Warning - lots of photos of the cathedral - hard to whittle them down

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This is the cathedral rear veiw from the river.
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Tomb of John, King of England
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Tomb of Arthur, Prince of Wales
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This must be the knight from Monty Python, loosing his limbs at the bridge.
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This dates back to 1240, why are his feet resting on a lion?
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How do I pick the door of the day out of this lot?

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After our long walk it was back to Clyde and Anna’s where Clyde cooked us another excellent meal and we chatted the evening away. Another busy day has ended.

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Mark

    It’s sad to hear about the removal of the stickers. We left our little Aussie flags on when we sold ours 🤣. That cathedral does look awesome. We’ve spent about three weeks on narrow boats, they can be tricky to navigate especially in wind… But I’ve been told it’s a contact sport so all good 👍

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