Tintern Abbey – our last day in Wales

Our visit to the Tintern Abbey

3rd of June 2023

Some things we stumble across and others we planned, today we visited the Tintern Abbey which was on our to do list. Leaving Crickhowell early we had a pleasant 26 mile drive to Tintern and parked up. The carpark is free as the machine was broken, sign on the machine says to enjoy the free parking, we do. There were plenty of vans and motorhomes in the car park who had obviously stayed the night despite the “no overnight stays” sign. We strike up a conversation with a young English couple, they had converted a van as a Covid lock down project. He also had a drone and had flown it over the abbey, not one to be left out the Angry wasp took flight, see the results in the video below.

We purchase our tickets and explored the ruins of the Abbey. The abbey was founded in 1131 and expanded  until King Henry VIII issued the “Dissolution of Monasteries” decree, in 1536. The abbey was closed and conveniently the valuables put into the royal coffers. When the lead from the roof was sold off the abbey started to fall into ruin. From what is remaining it must have been a magnificent building. With our visit concluded it was on the road again.

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The abbey we built over the shell of the first church.
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The Abbey was only part of many buildings on the site
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Today they had an exhibition of birds of prey. Sad to see them on a short leash
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This is our door of the day
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This is a poster aimed at children explaining what happened to the abbey. More interesting than the aldult version.

The Angry Wasp takes to the skies again to have a look at the abbey.

The slow and scenic route

Our destination today was Worcester to spend a couple of days with friends Clyde and Anna, at their home. Leaving the abbey Jenny set our route on the back roads through small towns and villages, rather than take the motorway. This road would take us out of Wales and into England. Our trip through Wales was brief but very enjoyable.

Our journey took us to a town called Much Marcle, strange name but outside of the pub “The Walwyn Arms” was a sign that read, we serve good food. that was enough for us and we had a delicious lunch. We were now back in England a place we haven’t been to since 2005 when we drove in a car, staying at bed and breakfasts.

Reunited with Clyde and Anna

Later in the afternoon we reached Worcester and Clyde and Anna’s house. Here we w spent a couple of nights in luxury. We slept in a normal bed, had a proper shower, we used their washing machine, Clyde cooked us a delicious meals and we rekindled our friendship. A welcome break from our constant traveling.

Sometimes you win !! Sim Card bonus.

Sometimes in life you have a win, this came unexpectedly with our connection to the wider world. We  had ordered 2 sim cards before we left home , 12 GB for $35 each. Jenny put her hers in the phone for the first 30 days and I used mine for the last 30 days. When jenny checked her balance she discovered the card had 25 GB. Then when I checked mine they had given me a 50 GB card so we did not skimp on our usage as we had plenty of data to play around with. 

Door of the day

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The door is so shiney you can see my reflection

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