We’re on a train to no-where !!

One of the scenic railways of the world.

1ST JUNE 2023

Months ago, while You tubing places and things to do in Wales a video came up about the Snowden Mountain Railway. This cog railway goes up on the highest mountain in Wales from Llanberis. We purchased tickets online months before we left, not knowing our plans and very glad we did as with school holidays in Wales getting tickets on the day would have been impossible.
Arriving early, we parked in the only car park near the railway station, 11 pound for the day, it was at first very quiet but when we left full with many looking for a place to park. The area not only has the railway but is a mecca for outdoor enthusiasts, with trails for hiking, bike riding, and climbing. We thought the the cost extortionate but we had no option and we sometimes have not choice because of the size of  our vehicle. All the little VW campers an various others make sense in these circumstances. Our journey was booked for 9.30 and the weather was perfect. The railway cannot go to very top  at the moment as during Covid regular maintenance was not carried out and they still completing it. Our journey took 45 minutes up, then a 30-minute break and going down was slightly quicker.
The scenery was spectacular and chugging up by steam power was quite an experience. At the top we thought about sending up the Angry Wasp but it was too windy and busy. We took plenty of photos, but they will not do justice to what we saw, we had chosen wisely. The train did take us to no-where but it was worth the trip.

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Passing another train on the way down.
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Blaenau Ffestiniog, the capital city of slate

Driving through the Welsh countryside was pleasant, It was always my idea of the sort of Country it was portrayed to be, scenic with wild parts that wowed the imagination. We enjoy this kind of driving taking our time to enjoy the scenery and stopping at some of the smaller towns for a break, lunch or to do some shopping. Today it was for all three, we passed the turnoff and quickly decided to stop in this small town hoping for a big car-park or at least a space on the road that was convenient to park up. We were in luck and found a very convenient park on the main road central to the town. ( sometimes the car-park angels are in our favor) It was relatively quiet in town , the day was sunny and clear, so we decided to go and investigate somewhere to get some lunch. Walking along the road it almost felt deserted, a few people about, maybe they were all at home having their midday repast. (I don’t know, many countries have surprised us with their lunch time breaks, siestas and a general desertion of what would be to us busy commercial areas in Australia.)

Anyway we found a lovely local cafe that had a simple menu and very friendly staff. It was not a tourist type establishment but more like a local place as everyone who came in was greeted and chatted to like they had known each other for ages. Some conversations were held in Welsh so all it seemed gobbledygook to us. What was happenstance  for us ended becoming another lesson in Welsh  history as we found out that it was known as the town that roofed the world. With the slate industry gone from there it is now one of the best activity hubs in Wales. Most of the history is hidden underground, Networks of railways and machines of all kinds have survived and  you can visit them with a mine tour. There are below ground trampolines and golf, above ground there are world-class mountain biking trails and zip line  activities. Although signs of it is past very apparent, huge hills of waste slate are in evidence surrounding the town they are very proud of their contribution to the world slate roof industry.

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Old slate train
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The local beer and cider in the cafe.
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Jennt said "take a look in the toilets", combi wallpaper.
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The brochure of the town talked about the toilets, they were a nice buiding from the outside. and inside some artwork next to the urinals.
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These toblerone shaped artworks were all made from thin slate sheets.

Another quiet night in a carpark?

After a long drive we needed to look for another park overnight. Consulting our trusty app, Park4night, we ended up in Newtown. The large car-park by a river and just off the main commercial centre looked like it would suit our needs. It had a toilet nearby and some large rubbish bins so It seemed to be perfect. We settled down for the night and soon after some local lads turned up in their cars, with motors running constantly, made noisier by their loud exhausts they sat nearby and it seemed like our whole van was rumbling in unison. Luckily in the early hours and with some others coming and going they left us in peace. Although during the day you have to pay for these parking areas, overnight 1800 – 0800 am some of these car-parks are free. Although you can only stay 1 night in 7. We thought this condition was strange.

Why the large bins a bonus?? This trip we have to de-clutter 14 years and 17 trips of accumulated extra stuff as it’s going to have to be minimalized for sale.

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