Driving a Motorhome in Europe
Driving in Europe - Fun or Frightening ??
We are from Australia and driving in Europe is a completely different experience for us. Apart from driving on the opposite side of the road with the gears on the right side and the indicators and wipers on different sides we have to deal with driving a larger vehicle. The road conditions vary as to which country you are in and some of the roads can be excellent to dreadful. The more driving I do the more relaxed I have become, never complacent or blasé but you need your wits about you at all times. Having an extra pair of eyes also helps because traffic conditions can change very quickly and with the larger vehicle it is harder to do swift maneuvers. Below are some of the things we have come across while driving in Europe.
What is a vignette? How much are they? Where do I get them? For the answers click on the button.
Border Crossings
Yes they still exisit in many countries in Europe. What to expect and what you need when crossing into another country.
Rules, Regulations and Equipment
What you need to carry in you motorhome. Many countries have different requirements . Some of the rules you need to know when driving through Europe.
Narrow Roads
Coming from Australia we had trouble at first navigating the narrow roads in Europe with a large vehicle. Now we have overcome our fears, why?
Navigating Europe
What we use to find our way around Europe. Over the last ten years this has changed due to technology.
Police [brushes with the law]
We have have many dealings with the police over the years we have toured through Europe. To read what happened click on the button.
Toll Roads
We try to avoid them when we can but sometimes its unavoidable. Where are they? How much do they cost?
Driving at night
We avoid driving at night for many reasons. Click the button to find out why.
Ferry Crossings
If you are traveling in Europe you are bound to have to take a ferry crossing at some time . Sometimes for a small crossing or an overnight ferry crossing to another country. Click on the button to read about our ferry experiences