12th and 13th August Stayed Amsterdam City Park, €56 for 2 nights, no power.
After we said our farewells to Gaby and Renko we drove south to Amsterdam where we stayed in the motorhome park. The place is a bit pricey but it is safe and very easy to get into the city.
On arrival the place was very busy with motorhomes leaving while new arrivals were booking in. The heavy rain didn’t help but after 15 minutes we had our spot and prepared for our visit to Amsterdam. Luckily the rain stopped and we rode our bikes to the ferry which took us to the railway station in the centre of the city. We have ridden our bikes into Amsterdam before so we were prepared for the crazy Dutch cyclists that seem to slow down for nobody.
Amsterdam, Netherlands
We have been to Amsterdam many times before so this time, no museums, no art galleries, no Anne Frank house, no walking tours, just being there. We rode the streets, drank coffee and beer and took in the sights, smells and atmosphere.
On the second day we were joined by Martin and Ewout (cousins) and in the evening we were also joined by Tonnie another cousin who was celebrating her birthday. We all went to an Indonesian restaurant to have a rijs tafel (rice table).
It was an enjoyable two days in Amsterdam.
Wonderful to see you all looking so well & happy. Great photos & trip details. XX