What is an App?
App is a shortening of the word application and it is a software program that is designed to run on mobile devices, smart phones and tablets. When we first started motorhoming we didn’t even have a smart phone or a tablet so having and App was something we didn’t even think about. With technology growing at a rapid rate Apps are becoming more popular. We have downloaded some Apps and put them on our tablet. As of yet we have only had a quick look at them and will test them out properly when we are motorhoming again in April. After we have put them through their paces we will add to this page with reviews and ratings. The Apps that we have downloaded work offline which means that we do not have to be connected to Wi-Fi or the internet. They have only cost a few euros and some of the Apps listed are for free. The Apps that we have found so far can be found on the sites listed below. If you know of any others or have had some experience using then please let me know.
Park4night has become our favorite app we use to find places to stay overnight. Most of the places are free or relatively cheap. The app is very easy to use and the pro version only costs a few dollars. The cost easily covered on the first nights stay. The reviews of the sites are updated and there are also photos submitted by users of the sites. The park4night app is french but it also comes in English.Click on the icon to go to their site.
Camper Contact
This app is one that we have used many times over the years but is mainly for recognized aires and campsites. The App is Dutch but comes in english. Also comes with reviews and photos of the sites. The pro version is not expensive and worth upgrading. Click on the icon to go to their site.
OsmAnd Plus
This is our preferred mapping and navigation app which we can use on our phones as well as our tablets. When we are driving Jenny has the tablet in a holder giving us directions. Our TomTom died on us and when we started to use the OsmAnd Plus we found it just as good if not even better. Jenny can enlarge or reduce the map seeing what is up ahead. The TomTom only gave us a limited view of the roads ahead. Click on the icon to go to there site.
Another mapping and navigational app that is worth having a look at. I used this app on my trip to India and it proved itself by locating all of my hostels and places of interest. Click on the icon to go to their site.